Who is the ASPA? .

Why an animal welfare program

Is ASPA the right organisation?

ASPA’s targets

The program for 1998 / 1999

Financing the program

World Society for the Protection of Animals

Arusha Society for the Protection of Animals
P. O. Box 320, Arusha / Tanzania
East Africa

Phone: +255 – 57 – 504 177

Fax: +255 – 57 – 504 180


Bank Account:
National Bank of Commerce (1997) LTD.
Uhuru Road Branch, Arusha
Account No. 65 217 000 20


A.S.P.A.’s Implementation of an
Animal Welfare Program

Who is the Arusha Society for the Protection of Animals?

The Arusha Society for the Protection of Animals (ASPA) is a non-profitable, non-governmental organisation, based in Arusha / Tanzania.

Founded by eleven founder members in November 1996, ASPA has the following objects (constitution):
"The objects of the Society shall be to promote the humane treatment of domesticated animals to prevent or suppress cruelty to animals and to do all such lawful acts as the Society may consider to be conducive or incidental to the attainment of those objects.
The objects of the Society shall not be carried on for the profit of its members and no part of the income or assets of the Society shall be used for the benefit of any member or official of the Society. Provided however, that such remuneration of officers or employees shall be fixed by the executive committee of the society and shall not be considered to be a profit for purposes of this article."

Following all necessary legal registration requirements, ASPA became a registered society under the Societies Ordinance (1954) of The United Republic of Tanzania on 22nd May 1997, Certificate of Registration No. 9058.

Since then ASPA is building up the number of members, which has reached eighty by now. In 1998 ASPA became a Member Society of the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA). WSPA have their headquarters in London, U.K. However, WSPA’s regional office for Africa is situated in Nyali, Mombasa.

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Why an animal welfare program

The yearly conference of the Tanzanian Veterinary Association in Arusha, 1995 pointed out, that there is indeed no animal welfare in Tanzania.
Even worse, animals are in so many aspects neglected, mistreated and tortured, that there is immediate need for help.
Also, there is no program for stray animal control.

The results of this conference contributed to the initiative to found ASPA.
For further details, reference is made to the report
"Prevention of Cruelty Against Domesticated Animals", Arusha, August 1996.
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Is ASPA the right organisation?

Especially the fact, that the Tanzania Society for the Protection and Care of Animals (TSPCA) was not operating and still -until today- has no animal welfare program (stated by WSPA), makes it necessary to start a program in the north of Tanzania.

Many professions are found among ASPA members, veterinary surgeons, accountants and auditors, lawyers, businessmen, tour operators, environmentalists and conservators, Tanzanian and foreign nationals. A professional administration of the society is established.

WSPA has not only accepted ASPA as member society. WSPA has already invited ASPA representatives to attend a field officer training, which took place in September 1998. They have also donated to ASPA animal handling equipment and veterinary drugs.
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ASPA’s targets


As it is already distributed within the public, ASPA’s targets are as follows:

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The program for 1998 / 1999


To start with, ASPA is following up three targets.

  1. Legislation:
    Mr. A.S.M. Sang’ka of Imboru Chambers, Arusha, has already presented first results of his research concerning existing animal related legislation in Tanzania.
    Mr. Sang’ka is drafting a legislative upgrade.
  2. Education:
    Thanks to support by the Kenyan S.P.C.A., ASPA has received samples of educational material.
    This material is meanwhile translated into Swahili. It has to be printed and distributed to Primary and Secondary Schools in Arusha and Arumeru District.
    Furthermore, radio spots will be transmitted November 1998 onwards. Radio Maalum and Radio Tanzanite, both Arusha, have assured their support.
  3. Control of animal population:
    In the first quarter of 1999, ASPA is planning to start a stray animal population control programme.
    The number of animal handling equipment, which was donated by WSPA, has to be increased.
    Field officer(s) have to go out and catch stray dogs and cats. It has to be implemented a neutering scheme whereby females would be spayed and males would be castrated at ASPA’s expense.

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Financing the program

As pointed out, ASPA is a charitable organisation. One first field officer is employed.
ASPA badly needs funding from all sides, companies, institutions and individuals. Membership is only 5,000/-Shs ( US $ 8) so as to attract as many members as possible. But this amount is very little and does not cover all expenses. Donations from companies are very rare; some individuals are contributing work. Fund raising actions bring limited amounts, cannot be carried out in an unlimited number of events. Cybernet donated the e-mail address.  Jep Information Center has donated this space on the Internet.

To implement the planned activities, ASPA needs support.
The society applies to the public, bodies and individuals, nationals and internationals:


 Arusha, 2nd October 1998

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