
Just outside Arusha lies the picturesque village of Mulala on the slopes of Mount Meru.  Tours begin at Mama Anna's farm which is also home to the Usangi Womens Group.

  • A tour of Mama Anna's quaint cheese and butter making dairy
  • A guided tour criss-crossing coffee and banana farms to the top of Lemeka Hill
  • A glimpse of the daily life of Meru farmers, information on surrounding vegetation and crops
  • A walk to the Marisha River bands, home of colourful birds and playful monkeys
  • A school visit to a local primary school where children will greet visitors with songs and dance

Development fees from the tourism revenues in Mulala will go towards funding the Mulala Primary School.  Your visit will help improve the quality of education in the area

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For more detailed information about the Mulala tour,  you can download a text copy of the brochure.

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