Southern Pare Mountains

Deep within the Southern Pare Mountains, about 150km from Moshi town are the Mbaga Hills.  Rising from the plains, visitors will be led through winding roads into the mountains where you can experieince some of Africa's most spectacular scenery.  A visit to the Southern Pare Mountains are ideal for people wanting to combine trips with the Mkomazi Game Reserve.   With a strong history of German settlement, Mbaga is home to a backdrop of quaint stone buildings, landscaped terraces and mini-waterfalls.  Guests can enjoy the peaceful and serene atmosphere during a stay at the Hill-Top Tona lodge.  Guided tours of the area will offer you:

  • A walk through the Chome forest reserve, a tropical forest of over 100 sq. km.
  • A climb to Shengena Peak, the highest point in the Pare and Usambara mountains
  • Walks to the Tona Moorland and Ranzi dam
  • Visits to development projects in the area (Irrigation, soil conservation, afforestation)
  • A chance to see ancient ruins from the colonial times

Development fees from the tours will be used to subsidise energy saving stoves and educational scholarships to the local vocational training centre.

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For further information about the Southern Pare Mountains, please download a text copy of our brochure.